=== registration === 1. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/registration-validation.php method : POST key : name key : mobile key : email key : password key : dob key : gender === login === 2. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/login-verification.php method : POST key : email key : password === fetch all category ==== 3. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/category-select-all.php === onclick category fetch there sub category === 4. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/subcategory-select-all.php?ctid=value method : GET key : ctid === onclick sub catgory fetch there subcategory with there respective products === 5. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/subcategory-with-product.php?ctid=value&scid=value method : GET key : ctid key : scid === onclick product card open full details of product === 6. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/product-details.php?p_id=value method : GET key : p_id === search product by name (result get after two letters) === 7. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/search-product.php?search_text=value method : GET key : search_text === add product review === 8. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/add-review.php method : POST key : user_id key : p_id key : name key : email key : review_text key : rating === add product in favorite cart === 9. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/add-favorite.php method : POST key : user_id key : p_id key : user_ip === userfavorite cart list === 10. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/get-favorite.php method : POST key : user_id === userfavorite item delete === 11. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/delete-favorite-item.php method : POST key : fav_id === select all country list === 12. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/all-countries.php === select all state according to country === 13. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/all-state-country-wise.php method : POST key : country_id === select all city according to state === 14. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/all-city-state-wise.php method : POST key : state_id === user subscribe for emailing === 15. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/subscribe-email-user.php method : POST key : email key : user_ip === select all FAQ === 16. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/faq-all.php === select all blogs === 17. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/all-blogs.php === home page slider banner === 18. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/slider-banner.php === features product list === 19. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/featured-product.php === all product list === 20. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/all-products.php === malls list === 21. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/malls-near-you.php === trending products === 22. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/trending-new-products.php === flash sales product === 22. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/flash-sale.php === just for you product (last 10 all products) === 22. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/just-for-you.php === Terms of use === 23. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/terms-of-use.php === Privacy Policy === 24. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/privacy-policy.php === product reserved === 25. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/item-reserved.php method : POST key : user_id key : p_id key : variant === All Store List === 26. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/store-finder.php === update user profile === 27. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/update-profile.php method : POST key : user_id key : name key : mobile key : email key : address key : dob key : gender === contact us === 28. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/customer-support.php === forgot password email check and otp send === 29. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/forgot-password.php method : POST key : email === forgot password otp check and save new password === 30. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/forgot-password-save.php method : POST key : email key : otp key : password key : password1 === Preferance saved === 31. https://thesaleyo.sparklingenius.com/preference-save.php method : POST key : user_id key : cid[]